Google Sheets node
HTTP Request node

Import multiple Manufacturers from Google Sheets to Shopware 6

Published 3 months ago

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Template description

Effortlessly optimize your workflow by automatically importing hundreds of manufacturers from a Google Sheet into your Shopware online store, saving countless hours of manual work.

How it works

  1. Retrieve all manufactures from a Google Sheet
  2. Add each manufacture via Shopware sync API Endpoint to Shopware
  3. Upload a logo for each manufacture from a provided public URL to Shopware

Set Up Steps

  1. Add your Shopware url to first node called Settings
  2. Create a Google Sheet in your Google account with the following columns (Demo Sheet)
    1. name (the name of the manufacturer which has to be unique and is required)
    2. website (url to the manufacturer website)
    3. description
    4. logo_url (public manufcaturer logo url. Have to be a png, jpg or svg file)
    5. translation_language_code_1 (optional. Language Code of your language. For example 'es-ES' for spanish. You have to make sure a language with this code exists in your Shopware shop.)
    6. translation_name_1 (optional. Manufacturer name translated to the language you defined at translation_language_code_1)
    7. translation_description_1 (optional. Manufacturer description translated to the language you defined at translation_language_code_1)
    8. translation_language_code_2 (optional. Same as translation_language_code_1 for another language)
    9. translation_name_2 (optional. Same as translation_name_1 for another language)
    10. translation_description_2 (optional. Same as translation_description_1 for another language)
    11. translation_language_code_3 (optional. Same as translation_language_code_1 for another language)
    12. translation_name_3 (optional. Same as translation_name_1 for another language)
    13. translation_description_3 (optional. Same as translation_description_1 for another language)
  3. Connect to your Google account
  4. Connect to your Shopware account
    1. Create a Shopware Integration
    2. Connect to Shopware at the nodes "Import Manufacturer" and "Upload Manufacturer Logo" using a Generic OAuth2 API Authentication with Grant Type "Client Credentials". The Access Token URL is
  5. Run the workflow

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